Pursuing My Degree During Covid-19 Was A Disaster

Zakiya Payne
2 min readDec 11, 2020

I am currently a Junior in College, pursuing a Bachelor’s in Science with a concentration in Multimedia Journalism. I struggled this semester.

When I started the semester in August, I thought I could maintain. As the months went on and more cases and deaths occurred, I found myself unable to productive. I could not focus on my school work.

One of my professors stated ”It is your responsibility as a student to work diligently no matter what is happening in your life.”. That statement made me sick to my stomach. How could one be so heartless?

I wept for the loved ones people lost. I prayed for the sickly. I donated to people on the verge of homelessness. I checked on my loved ones. I focused on the crumbling of life as we know it due to this virus instead of focusing on my school work.

The semester is over now, and I do not know how I made it through. I don’t remember majority of what I learned. I am waiting on my final grades to be published. I am hoping for decent grades but if not it will be fine. This semester was tough.

I do remember how much hurt I and struggle I endured during this time. Spring semester is coming up and while I am hoping it will not be the same, I have a feeling that it will be.

My heart goes out to everyone during this time. I don’t know when or how but we will get through this.

I am Zakiya Payne and I like to write. You can search for me on Google if you would like. I also have Twitter and Instagram:@swankyzeee



Zakiya Payne

21 year old woman who loves nostalgic items. I am radio host by day and writer by night. I have the heartiest laugh you will ever hear!